Fans for Colour Analysis

March 2023

The fans or swatches that we recomend for colour analysis have 35 colours, including tints, to help your clients understand the colours which best harmonise with their skin tone. You’ll receive four basic fans as part of your Colour Analysis Starter Kit – one for each season.

Unlike fabric swatches, these colours are pre-mixed precisely and have a semi-matt surface.

The matt surface prevents the distortion of the colour by reflected light (which can be a problem with fabric swatches, especially if covered in plastic) and the colours do not fade with use. They come in a plastic cover for protection and can be branded with your own company colours and logo.

The fans, which are also designed for wardrobe planning, show your client the whole range of colours and can be used for checking against patterns and to juxtapose any two or three colours they wish to compare with each other. (This feature makes the fan ideal for planning interior decorating schemes.)

There are a variety of fans that you can give to your clients at the end of a Colour Analysis:

The Standard Fan

Is just that – giving the classic colours of the season. You may add individual leaves from our Master Fan if a client looks particularly attractive in one particular colour, which is not included in the Standard Fan.

The 12 Fan System

Our Advanced system, know as the 12 Fan system will allow you to personalise a fan and to include any secondary influences that your client may have.

More information on these fans may be found within our Consultant Trade Price List.

To request your copy please email

To find out more about our Diploma Course in Colour Analysis or book a no obligation Discovery Call

Updated March 2023

Last Updated on 15th March 2023 by Helen Tobias
