How to pay for Colour Analysis Training

February 2019 Updated March 2024

Colour Analaysis is having a moment. And perhaps you’ve been considering offering colour anlaysis as an additional service in your business. Or perhaps you would like to traini as a consultant and specialise in colour.

If you’re thinking about training in Colour Analysis – you might have found a wide variety of prices for training courses. And perhaps the price of training put you off…

After all – how do you know whether you’ll be any good at it…Will it be a waste of your time and money? Will you be able to make a succesful business?

The first thing to understand is that Colour Analysis is a skill which needs to be learned. You cannot learn it from a book. You need to have a tutor, a trainer or a mentor who can guide you through the process. And yes, I’m afraid that does cost more.

As well as training you in how to provide an accurate Colour Anlysis service which your clients will love, we dive in deeper into business planning and pricing your services in our Marketing Module in the Advanced Colourflair Colour Analysis Course. But if you are only just starting to make enquiries into training then here is some helpful advice for you to think about.

1. Do your Research

It’s a good idea to research your local area. Even if you find a lot of other Colour Consultants local to you this shouldn’t put you off. The more the merrier. You are going to come across a wide range of pricing structures. For example, you may find Colour Analysis prices ranging from £35 to £150 or more. Please take a long hard look at what is being offered and how long the session takes, and how many people it is for. Is it one-to-one or a group session.

If you find consultants charging around £35-£75 for a 1.5/2 hour session then they possibly haven’t worked out their pricing structure properly and they may have hidden some of the costs of the session i.e. will charge extra for swatches and booklets etc. If these are included in the price, you may well be looking at a “hobby” or part-time business and the person running it is doing it for “pin-money”.

You could become a mystery shopper to find out exactly what is included and how quickly the consultant negotiates on a “package” price.

2. Get the price of your Colour Analysis service right

If you are going to start a business then getting the price of your service right will be an important part of your success regardless of whether you want to learn for a new hobby, or your own part- or full-time business. It’s all too easy to take a soft approach and undercharge for your service, and undervalue your skills.

3. Follow our advice

In the Advanced Colourflair Colour Course .we take you through the steps to pricing your service properly so that you can make a living out of Colour Analysis. But first we’d like to show you how easy it can be to cover the complete cost of your training course and get 30 clients into your business – before you finish training. Find out how by requesting our free download here:

How to pay for your Colour Analysis Diploma Course

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If you’d like to know more about our other courses, you can find them here, on our sister website.

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