The Colour Wheel

May 2015

A Grumbacher colour wheel is an essential tool when you are learning about colour.

There’s one in the Colourflair Advanced Colour Analysis Training Kit.

Unless people paint, relatively few people have used the colour wheel, and so are interested in finding out more. I find it a really useful tool when shopping to find complementary tones and shades, especially for special occasion outfits. It’s helped many of my clients accessorize outfits in a more interesting way than adding safe neutral accessories.

Search “unusual colour wheels” on Google and you’ll find some fabulous examples: Here’s a jewellery colour wheel from This company specialises in customising jewellery using different stones.

Then there are floral colour wheels, food colour wheels, ones made from books and even Converse Trainers!

And it’s not all about Colour as this Vintage Grumbacher colour wheel shows. It also gives valuable information on Value, Hue and Chroma Scales.








Helen  – Colourflair Trainer

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