The Association of Colourflair Consultants

The Association of Colourflair Consultants was set up in 1997 to recognise Colourflair Consultants, who had not only attained the high standards necessary to qualify but had also undertaken to conduct themselves and their business with integrity and professionalism.

In a world where trust is often abused by business and individuals; our aim has always been to create confidence in the Colourflair name, so that people anywhere can buy a product, attend a training course or have a consultation, in the sure knowledge they will get fair treatment and value for money.

Colourflair Consultants who are members of the Association are entitled to add the letters AMACC (Associate member) for those who specialise in Personal Colour Analysis or MACC (Full Member) for those who also offer Female Style or Male Style and Colour/Image services to the business community.

Today there is an active Facebook Community, a monthly newsletter which includes marketing tips and business information, as well as ongoing trainging and from 2018 an annual conference for members

Updated 2022.

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